Learn more about the legal framework behind OpenTrade and view important legal agreements like our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Learn more about the legal framework behind OpenTrade and view important legal agreements like our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
The legal structure for OpenTradeβs Treasury Management & Yield Product is secured lending to a bankruptcy remote Cayman Segregated Portfolio Company (SPC), OpenTrade SPC, which is operated by an independent board of directors and an FCA regulated investment firm.
Below is an overview of the key entities involved and the legal agreements between them.
The agreement governing lending activity made through the OpenTrade Platform. It is executed between the Borrower and each Lender during the onboarding process.
Learn more about the Master Lending Agreement below:
Issued pursuant to the Master Lending Agreement for each individual loan made through the platform. Each Loan Confirmation specifies the legally binding terms of each loan.
Learn more about Loan Confirmations below:
All loans made via the OpenTrade Treasury Management & Yield Product are fully collateralised with eligible loan collateral (US Treasury Bills, USD, and USDC). A Security Trustee holds a security interest on behalf of Lenders in all collateral and the accounts in which collateral is held pursuant to a Security Trust Deed.
Read the Security Trust Deed below:
An agreement between Lenders, the Borrower (OpenTrade SPC), and Open Trade Technology Ltd (the Platform Provider) governing use of the OpenTrade Platform. You agree to these Terms & Conditions by accessing the OpenTrade Platform.
Read the Terms and Conditions below:
The Privacy Policy will inform you as to how we look after your personal data when you use our βServicesβ (our website(s), app(s), protocols, tools, and systems) or interact with us in any other way.
Read the Privacy Policy here: