Making Loans
Learn more about how to making loans into the High Yield Corporate Bond Vault.
Making a Loan
For a demo and user guide for making loans via the platform, see here.
Making a loan into the High Yield Corporate Bond Vault is a simple process. After you've been onboarded, the steps are as follows:
Select the blockchain network you want to access the vault on
Connect your whitelisted wallet
Select the High Yield Corporate Bond Vault
Click "Invest"
Input an amount you'd like to lend and click "Approve Spending Cap"
Approve the spending cap in your wallet
Confirm the amount and click "Invest"
USDC will be transferred from your wallet & you will receive vault tokens at the current exchange rate.
The transfer will show as "Pending Advance" until the Advance Processing Time lapses, after which time it will begin accruing interest.
Exchange Rate Calculations - Making a Loan
When stablecoins are lent into the vault, XHYC will be issued to the Lender at the most recent exchange rate based on the following calculation:
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